10 easy-to-use educational video templates for your classroom
Video: a teaching method that isn’t yet used often enough in our classrooms. Most of the time, it takes a lot of work to create a classroom video, and after just 3 minutes, those 3 hours of work went up in space.
But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. A wide selection of editing platforms, such as InVideo, ensures that video-making becomes a piece of cake. Today, you’ll learn about our top 10 favorite educational video templates.
No fan of InVideo? Don’t worry, I’ll mention three other good video creation platforms that might interest you as well.
The 10 best InVideo templates for teachers
InVideo is easy to use: just choose a ready-made template or start from scratch, replace the text with your own, and that’s it! Your students will convey more information as they see and hear the learning content at the same time. It’s actually a really good learning strategy called “dual coding”. However, choosing a video template from a wide selection is not always easy. That is why we’ve listed our 10 favorite video templates for education.
1. Video template for history teachers
In my opinion, the “History of TV” template is one of the best educational templates this online video platform offers. You can use this template for almost every history lesson. The only thing you have to do is customize the content: add videos of certain historical events in the TV box, and add a description of the event on the text placeholder.
Click on the image below to watch the video template.
2. Video template for language teachers
Language courses are important: they teach you orally, written, and verbal communication. If you want to start your English language course, we recommend this “Authors To Remember” video template. Some well-known authors are represented together with their works. Turn your students into real authors with this educational video!
As it’s just a template, you can use it for other courses as well. Think about showing famous historical persons, pioneers, philosophers, painters, poets…
3. Video template as a summary
Need a quick reminder for a lesson? Then consider this practical template. You can create a summary of what you’ve seen this week, and what topics your class needs to remember.
You can see that this video template gives you an easy way to list lesson content. Think about other uses such as summing up important words, translations, concepts, definitions, etc.
4. Video template as a summary
Here’s another video template you can use to summarize a lesson. Create a summary video that your students can watch again afterward: what have they seen in class? What do they need to know and have to learn? … Put some important keywords in your video so students understand the most important parts of your lesson.
5. Video template for fun lesson facts
Quite a few children are interested in astronomy or other subjects, but don’t see much of it in class due to other important subjects they have to learn. This 26-second video template doesn’t take much time. Each week you can start your lesson with a short-film covering the different interests of your students.
6. Video template for lesson starters
Small facts are always fun! At the start of your lesson, you can show an educational video containing facts about your course. In 20 seconds you can teach your pupils something new and introduce a new topic in a fun way. Students can give feedback on what they already know. You also get a glimpse of your students’ foreknowledge on this topic.
This ready-made-template could be a good lesson starter in a geography course when you’re teaching about “world population”.
7. Video template to start a conversation
This video template is all about quotes. Add quotes or statements about the sustainable development goals or ethical dilemmas, and strong opinions. Now, let students form an opinion on their own. It’s a perfect way to start conversations and class discussions.
8. Video template to spread awareness
From time to time, something big happens in the world around us: celebrations, historical days, or even traumatizing events and new movements of the modern time. It’s something that’s probably not in your lesson plan, but it’s too important to just ignore it.
Use this video template to create awareness around a current event. A good-looking layout can keep your students’ attention. This template is fun for the eye and rich for the mind.
9. Video template with lesson key points
This is a practical template with few frills, which allows the key points of your lesson to stand out. You can use this for history topics but also for other courses, as you can change it to your desire.
10. Create your own video template
Not interested in InVideo’s adaptable premade templates? You can always start yourself using this handy tutorial. Yes, InVideo has a template for a tutorial as well… In this video, they show you where you can add all the different and interactive elements in your video.
My first try
Of course, I also started working on an educational video myself. In 20 minutes I came up with the following result below.
3 Alternative video editors to InVideo
1. Biteable
This video maker platform contains many attractive
educational templates such as social media do’s and don’ts, recycling, bear
explainer scene, etc. You can create free videos; however, the editing program
has limited features. Biteable’s watermark, for example, is always
displayed on the free version of the program.
2. Wideo
Besides InVideo, I find Wideo the best online video
editing platform. You can choose from a wide range of templates, even ones made
exclusively for teachers. There is a homework video template, an English
language lesson template, etc.
3. Moovly
Moovly has several worthwhile templates as well. If you’re
looking to make more professional videos, I recommend using this editing
platform. You’ll have to work out how it functions but it should be easy once
you’ve learned it.
Wrap up
I hope you’re inspired and consider teaching by video as an extra value in your course. It’s a fun way to engage your students and motivate them to do their best. Additionally, they can rewatch the video independently at home at their own pace.